A lot of people in the UK are demanding a debate in parliament about the death penalty. Of course, we can debate it. But can we really, seriously, consider bringing it back?
No. Under no circumstances.
Judicial murder and a civilised society do not go together. We can either aim to make the world a better place, in which case we have to break the cycle of violence, terror, revenge and barbarism; or we keep ourselves base and unevolved, maintaining the fantasy of 'justice' through retaliation.
Violence begets violence, hatred begets hatred. Whether it's a Myra Hindley, or the killers of Jamie Bulger or someone like Breivik. Their wrongs must not pull us down to their level. If we allow them to, they win, we lose. If we want to be better than them, we have to have the courage to show this through our actions.
Every Time.
(There is a counter-petition which asks for the government to keep the existing ban on captial punishment in the UK. You can sign it here )
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