Tuesday, 12 August 2008

the sebastianator


i used to have a blog before they were called blogs.

mine was called 'dear dan' and it irritated the hell out of my then partner.

which isn't the reason i stopped it.  the reason i stopped it was that dan broke down (my old desktop pc, after which it was named) and i couldn't bring myself to write a webdiary under the title 'salut sweet satellite' (my then new laptop pc), or anything similar, and also there weren't any ready-made blog platforms, at least not to my knowledge, so the process of blogging was tedious, slow, and not very interactive. 

also i wasn't sure i had anything much to say.

rephrase that perhaps.  perhaps i felt i may have something to say but it made more sense saying it in other formats.  so i said it in other formats.

and is there a good reason now for starting a blog, for starting it up again so to speak?  in all seriousness, not really.  there are more than enough blogs out there already and as somebody who loves writing plays and screenplays, and having now reworked and finished 'the novel' and therefore coming to the point of possibly commencing work on another one, i suppose i don't really need a blog. 

does the world need another blog?  from me?  hardly.

then again, why do you need a reason?  that's effectively been my 'motto' and the strapline of my website ever since i first went online, some ten years ago.  which is also when i first started 'dear dan'.  and i suppose the answer remains exactly the same: i don't, do i?  practically anything you can put the question 'why?' to, you can with equal validity ask about 'why not?' 

and so, as of today, here, as if it were needed, is another blog.  i'm calling it the sebastianator. it's what happens when you put the world through my perspective.  nothing more, nothing less. 


sebastian's website   sebastian on facebook



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