With the Edinburgh Fringe in full swing, you may be seeing a lot of shows this month, and finding your way around them may entail ploughing through reams of reviews written by innumerable Critics and furnished, in most cases, with star ratings.
To help you with this and make your experience that bit more enjoyable, here's a little game you can play as you try to absorb other people's opinions and make them somehow relevant to you. Plus one bit of really useful advice:
Ignore the star ratings. There will come a time, in the I-hope-not-so-distant future, when the mere notion that you could possibly express the 'quality', let alone significance of a work, be it theatre, film, dance, music, literature, or even comedy, with a rating of one out of five (or out of ten or, in some confusing cases, out of four) will appear as exactly what it is: crass and preposterous. It's lazy, patronising and meaningless. Believe me, I know: I have received five star reviews and I have received one star reviews, and for the same piece. Star ratings are not a shorthand, they're an insult to your intelligence (I suppose one of the most catastrophic unintended consequences of living in a complex world is that – unready to engage with it at a complex level – we resort to infantilised simplicity). So what you do with them is up to you, just as long as you don't pay heed to them...
I have no show up in Edinburgh this year, so nobody should be able to accuse me of venting a spleen or massaging a chip on my shoulder or attempting to curry favour or invoking such other idiom as may appear to come in handy under the circumstances. Let me share with you, then, my little game of Spot the Critic.
Critics are only human too and with the era of the 'expert' long gone, together, largely, with the space and time in print or online for in-depth analysis, discussion and substantive criticism, the only thing that makes them different from you is that they believe their opinion matters enough for them to want to share it with you. And there's nothing wrong with that. You know as well as I that it's impossible really, and also plain wrong, to categorise people into 'types', but critics are people who put forward their opinion on other people's work and so to put these opinions in some kind of context, here are the, as far as I can tell, seven (plus one, and one more) 'types' of Critic you're most likely to come across. (If you know of any more or think I've got this totally wrong, don't hesitate to comment. You may even leave a 'starred' review, if you like, it will amuse...)
1 The One Who Misses the Main Point
No matter what kind of show (or, for that matter, film) it is, there will invariably be somebody reviewing it who is not a bad person but simply doesn't quite get what this is about. If we were to take Hamlet as an example, they might have several interesting things to say about the set, the costumes, the lighting, the acting, the direction and the poetry, and then undermine it all with some observation such as: "The main problem with this piece is that it drags. Hamlet's interminable soliloquies do nothing but slow down the plot, and where you could have some emotionally charged conflict, some drama, some action, Shakespeare expects us to listen to endless musings over whether it is better 'to be or not to be'. An experienced Literary Manager could have solved this in one afternoon."
2 The One Who Wants to See Another Play Altogether
Similarly, somebody will show up at a performance and almost immediately decide that the play they're watching could be brilliant, if only it were about something else. They will rummage in the two or three star compartment of their well-intentioned but not overly expansive mind and say something like: "I would have preferred to see the relationship with Ophelia explored in much greater depth: it clearly sits at the heart of the play and by doing away with her so casually, and cruelly, the author misses a great opportunity for giving his play heart and soul as well as overbearing intellect."
3 The One Who Gets it But Wants it Done Differently
So near, and yet so far, from actually being able to accept the work for what it is, is the Critic who just has that one problem. The one problem that renders everything else more or less obsolete: "This is a cracking plot with a magnificent central character who really manages to explore the deepest layers of a traumatised princely psyche. If only the writer had stuck to what he knows best – dialogue and good story telling – instead of lumbering his world with incomprehensible verbosity dressed up in supposedly 'blank' verse. There is nothing 'blank' about this language, or sparse, or even just economical, and by the end you just wish an editor had put a stop to it."
4 The One Who Is so Jaded, They Just Can't
There are so many shows to see, so many reviews to write, so many times an opinion to form, first of all, and then to write down, for which then to incur the wrath of so many people you've been mean about, no wonder some Critics just exhaust themselves, physically, mentally, emotionally, psychologically, philosophically, intellectually, any way you care to imagine. They just can't even. No they can't: "This piece is four hours of torture," they will write, in sheer, heartfelt, exasperation: "somebody should kill it off, because I just can't even think about it. I can't."
5 The One Who is Normally Up for it, But Happens to Be in a Foul Mood Tonight
Everybody has an off day now and then, let's face it. And having seen three Hamlets in a row, somebody might just feel like a break. With something completely different. Who can blame them. So they will get back to their laptop at the end of another gruelling day and write: "Another Hamlet. I've seen four now. Why can't people think of another play to do? What is it with Hamlet? Why not Guys and Dolls, for example, or No Sex, Please, We're British..., that hasn't had an airing in a while. Anything funny, really: what's wrong with farce? We have some excellent farce in our theatre tradition..."
6 The One Who Was Expecting Something Else from The Writer or The Director or The Company Now
Some Critics take their job very seriously and are genuinely so interested that they start following your work, and since it is their job to form an opinion on everything, they will inescapably form an opinion also on what you should be doing now, now that they've seen one or two or even three or more other things that you've done. Having seen – and written about – one or two or even three or more other things that you've done naturally entitles (more like: obliges) them to be quite clear about where you should be focusing your attentions next: "It is a shame to see so much talent wasted on yet another tragedy. Not that there is anything wrong with Hamlet, it's a fine play, but surely The Lord Chamberlain's Men have now drained this well to its depth. I would have liked to have seen them come up with something light and charming for a change, especially for this time of year, when nobody likes sitting in a theatre being badgered with cod-philosophy and fake skulls."
7 The One Who Loves it All, But Is Just a Bit Dim
Very occasionally, somebody pitches up at a show full of beans and excitement about the very fact that they're here, and their warm golden heart embraces it all with generous enthusiasm. What could possibly go wrong. "Hamlet is a great play with music by Wilfred Shakespeare: After he kills his uncle with poison, the Prince of Darkness has to sleep with his mother to make the ghost of his father go away. His father is angry with Hamlet, for probably being gay. (His girlfriend drowns herself and he hangs out with guys all the time. The guys have cool names, though.) The production really goes to town over the verse thing which is awesome though like hiphop it's more the beat that counts. I'd give this seven stars just for the old guy Polius who like totally cracks everyone up with his jokes about student loans; which also means the play is still literally totes relevant."
Plus The One Who Really Wants to Be a Writer Too
This is of course an old stereotype, and the fact that it's an old stereotype does not make it universally true, nor does it render it false absolutely: clearly, clearly, there are Critics who really just want to be writers (or filmmakers, or composers, or artists, or chefs) too. And who can blame them: spending your days and nights watching other people do badly what you think you could do well is frustrating. "Aside from the clichés (how often have we heard these rhetorical questions before?), the excessive length (this show's plot could easily, elegantly, condense into eighty minutes without interval), the implausible plot (ghosts? Seriously?) and ridiculous body count (spoiler alert: hardly anyone survives...) there are some nice touches to this piece which, with a bit more development and some proper guidance from a Dramaturg could make for quite an interesting play."
And The One Who Unreservedly Appreciates What's Been Done and Isn't Afraid to Say So
It happens. They want the T-Shirt. And they say so: "This blew my mind, I want the T-Shirt," they say. We, that is people who create these things that Critics review, love this person. With all our hearts. Everything we've ever said about them as a 'species' goes out of the window. All is forgiven. Five stars? We'll have them, and put them right on our poster, thanks. They actually get us. They really get us. They are magnificent. We want to have dinner with them and spend the night with them. Maybe marry them, that wouldn't be hasty, no. They may come again. And chances are they will. And we'll start all over again...
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